President's Report
President's Report
Sauble and Area Men's Club Newsletter from President Dennis
To all members,
Your executive would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. It has been a trying 2 years, full of challenges. I want to assure everyone that we are still active.
Salvation Army Kettle Campaign
As many of you are aware we are manning the kettle this year with a revised schedule and strict Covid-19 protocols. The Salvation Army needs our support more than ever this year. Thank you to all who have volunteered.
Each year the Men’s Club donates $1000 to the Salvation Army in addition to the proceeds from the Kettle Campaign. This year is especially tough because our only income comes from our membership dues. Many of us, myself included, are sending donations to help out.
If you are willing to donate please send your donation, payable to the “Salvation Army”, to Alec Moore. Mailing address is 28 Gremik Cres., Sauble Beach N0H 2G0. He will forward it to the Salvation Army. A tax receipt will be issued. Thanks guys.
Our February dinner meeting is cancelled. We are hoping to go ahead with our dinners on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 and Tuesday, October 18, 2022 with guest speakers for each dinner. More information will be forthcoming.
We are also anticipating our annual road clean up in May and our annual helping out with the “Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste Collection Events". These activities are subject to change.
Shuffleboard has started at the Sauble Community Centre, Mondays and Wednesdays at 1pm. Proof of vaccination required.
I hope this newsletter will give you some dates to look forward to.
Our membership still stands at around 140 members which is good considering the times we are in.
We thank all of you for your continued support and once again wish everyone a Happy Holiday.
SEE YOU IN 2022 Dennis