Touch A Truck & BBQ


DATE: Saturday July 9, 2022
LOCATION: Sauble Beach United Church Parking Lot
TIME: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
After two years of hiatus, we are pleased to plan the popular Touch a Truck event in the Sauble Beach United Church parking lot from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Set up will be from 9:00 am to 10:00.am
We sincerely appreciated your participation in past events, which have grown in popularity, particularly with the primary school age children. For many children it is a joy to watch their eyes open with excitement as they walk around, and yes in some cases climb into a big green combine, road grader or four-wheeler. It is an experience most would not have otherwise.
We ask that you kindly mark your calendar for Saturday July 9 and join us for this popular event.
In 2019 we appreciated the support of both principals at the Sauble Beach and Hepworth public schools as they helped us reach more children and parents who came to the event. We hope to have their support again this year.
The Sauble Men’s Club will be there selling hamburgers and hot dogs.
The admission of $5 per person, $10 for family goes to cover insurance and then to support local community outreach needs.
Your confirmation that you can join us, with your vehicle/machine, would be appreciated.
Cliff Bilyea 519-270-9314 or bilyeacliff@gmail.com
Roberta Brignell - 519-422-1195 or robertarbrignell@gmail.com
Thanks Cliff and Peg Bilyea and Roberta and Rob Brignell