September Dinner MeetingReport
Alex Ruff MP - September 10th Dinner Meeting
The Sept 10, 2024 dinner meeting at the Allenford Curling Club was attended by 43 members and guests including our guest speaker Alex Ruff, MP .
Many enjoyed a cold beverage & social prior to the activities reports.
After activity reports a delicious meal of ham, scalloped potatoes, corn & coleslaw was served by Mary & her crew. The meal was so good many seconds were consumed. One of the tasty desserts was a mouthwatering cheesecake.

Dinner was followed by a presentation given by Alex Ruff MP for Bruce Grey Owen Sound, a position he has held since 2019. Alex, a retired Colonel in the Canadian military reviewed with us an excellent slide presentation providing some of his experiences during overseas deployments, some of which were humorous and other experiences of tragic losses of men under his command, a solemn reminder of sacrifices made in military conflicts.
Alex then talked about his present involvement as a member of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians . His strong military background and experience qualify him to be a valuable member of this committee.

Following dinner Mary Dougall and her crew of Al and Donnie Fisher and Sharon Foreman, were thanked by Vic Weitendorf for the delicious meal they prepared

Bob Hopton provided the group with an update on the reconstruction of the Hepworth/Shallow Lake Legion anticipating completion in the very near future
There were questions to Alex from the floor as this topic was very interesting and is a concern for many Canadians.
Alex was then thanked for his presentation and presented a gift of appreciation by Alf Roth.
Thank you to all members involved who helped make this such a successful event.
Vic Weitendorf