Hepworth Shallow Lake Legion Fundraiser
Fish Fry
Volunteers Needed
Hepworth Shallow Lake Fundraiser - Fish Fry - July 13

The Sauble & Area Men’s Club is partnering up with the Sauble Beach Lions and Fretz’s Valu-Mart to help raise funds to aid in the rebuild of the Hepworth Shallow Lake Legion after their devastating fire. All profits from the Fish Fry will go to the Legion.
DATE: Wednesday, July 13
LOCATION: Sauble Beach Community Centre
TIME: 4:30-7:30pm
COST: $25/Person - Kids Portion 13 years and under - $15
We are looking for 10-12 volunteers to help do the food line, handle sales at the entrance, cleanup and any other duties as needed.
For those unable to volunteer but wishing to attend, Tickets are available from the following sources:
Don Riddell at 519-422-1060 or riddelld32@gmail.com
Gary Wood at 519-422-0379 or lordgaryw@gmail.com
Fretz’s Valu Mart Courtesy Desk
Many thanks for your support.
Sauble & Area Men’s Club