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July Events Report

Touch A Truck - July 9th

What a wonderful Touch a Truck event on Saturday July 9th, 2022 at the Sauble Beach United Church parking lot. We sincerely appreciate the kind participation by the Sauble and Area Men's Club  in offering peameal bacon on a bun as well as hotdogs, hamburgers and pop which was a real hit.


It was a very busy morning from 10:00am until 1:00pm with almost 340 visitors including 179 children. You could tell from the smiles on the kids’ faces that they enjoyed climbing in, sitting on, steering, blowing the fire truck siren, or playing the game at the Bruce County tourism display as they toured around the site. For many kids this was their first opportunity to be up close with a whole range of equipment including trucks, the police car, the fishing boat, and mini stock car and more.


We appreciate the time it took to organize, set up and run the BBQ as well as take down after the event. We also thank the church ladies for their delicious baked goods. The funds of approximately $450 after expenses from Touch a Truck will go to community outreach needs through the Sauble Beach United Church.


Based on the success of the event we would like to plan again for 2023. We hope the Men's Club can circle your calendar for Saturday July 8th, 2023 when we can again delight the children of the area in a fun experience they would not otherwise have.


To the Men’s Club Volunteers who participated in the BBQ, thanks again for being an important part of the Touch a Truck event.


Special thanks go to Cliff and Peg Bilyea and Rob and Roberta Brignell for organizing this fun event and making it such a tremendous success.




Hepworth-Shallow Lake Legion Fundraiser    

Fish Fry - July 13th

Congratulations on a job well done to the Lion’s Club of Sauble Beach, the Sauble & Area Men’s Club, and the cooking skills of Order of Good Cheer from Owen Sound for their fundraising efforts at the Fish Fry held at the Sauble Beach Community Centre on July 13th.


A presentation of the $3,000 raised for the Hepworth-Shallow Lake Legion was made as shown in the photo with Gary Wood, Steve MacDougall, Larry Schmidt and Don Riddell.

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