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February - April Events

February Dinner Meeting

Dinner Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Place: Hepworth/Shallow Lake Legion

Time: Gathering: 5:30 p.m. - Business: 6:15 p.m. - Supper: 6:45 p.m. - Presentation: 7:30 p.m.

Cost: $18.00*

Presentation: Mayor Janice Jackson

Contact: Dennis Heathers 

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We begin 2019 with a dinner meeting featuring the Mayor of South Bruce Peninsula, Janice Jackson.  Mayor Jackson will be outlining the next four year plan for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula which will include new and exciting happenings in both Wiarton and Sauble Beach.  We are expecting a Bio and topic description to arrive shortly and this will be included here on our website as well as in our “reply email“ to be sent out in mid January.  You won’t want to miss this occasion to hear the Mayor’s presentation and have an opportunity to ask questions about what is being planned for the future of South Bruce Peninsula.  If you plan to attend it is important that you respond so that the appropriate number of meals can be ordered.


Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. and will include stuffed roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed green beans, coleslaw, roll and choice of pie, tea and/or coffee.  You will note that the cost of the meal has increased to $18.00 and if you owe dues for 2019 please bring an extra $10.  

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Meet Mayor Janice Jackson


Janice was elected to Municipal Council in 2010 where she represented Sauble Beach in the former Ward System.  With clear direction from her constituents, Janice successfully fought and defeated the 100 million dollar master sewer plan for Sauble Beach.  Janice also fought against and prevented the no-questions-asked turnover of Sauble Beach to the First Nations.  During this time, Janice was appointed to the Accommodation Review Committee where she successfully fought the Bluewater School Board for the survival of the Amabel Sauble School, which faced imminent closure.


After serving our town as Councillor and crafting a very clear vision for our town, Janice was elected Mayor of South Bruce Peninsula in 2014.  After a challenging but successful four year run Janice, Deputy Mayor Jay Kirkland and Councillor Paul McKenzie were all re-elected in 2018 to serve a 2nd term.


Since being elected Mayor, Janice served for 4 years as Chair of the Bruce County Museum Committee.  She currently sits on the Nuclear Industry Regional Advisory Committee, the Police Services Board, the Emergency Management Committee, the Municipal Emergency Control Group and the Bruce County Economic Development & Innovation Committee. Janice was recently appointed Chair of the Bruce County Paramedic Committee where she will continue her fight for a permanent EMS station at Sauble Beach.


Janice is an avid drummer who loves to travel, play hockey, fastball, badminton and golf. Most of all, she loves working for the people of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula!

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Date: Saturday, April 20th, 2019

Place: Sauble Beach United Church

Time: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Cost: $7 Adults - 12 & under $3

Contact: John Twining         519-422-3690



The date for this year's Pancake Breakfast is Saturday, April 20th.  Once again the breakfast will take place at Sauble Beach United Church with John Twining as the Coordinator.  The breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and for $7 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under it is a real bargain.  


This is a fundraiser in support of the club's local projects.  The meal includes pancakes with real maple syrup, 3 sausages, a slice of melon along with coffee, tea or juice.  You won't find a better deal anywhere so talk it up in your neighbourhood and bring your family and friends.


John needs your help!  If you are available and can help please contact by calling him or contacting him via email by clicking on the email icon above.


April Dinner Meeting











Dinner Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

Place: Hepworth/Shallow Lake Legion

Time: Gathering: 5:30 p.m. - Business: 6:15 p.m. - Supper: 6:45 p.m. - Presentation: 7:30 p.m.

Cost: $18.00*

Presentation: Rob McLeese

Contact: Dennis Heathers


Please save the date for our spring dinner meeting as we welcome back our snowbird members from the sunny south.  Mark your calendar now for what we expect will be a most interesting and entertaining evening.  The food, as always, will be a meal that will please everyone.  Roast beef including mashed potatoes and gravy, a hot vegetable, coleslaw and roll with a choice of pie, tea and coffee is the planned menu.  And all of this plus our speaker for just $18.  A real bargain!


We are pleased to announce that our after dinner speaker is Rob McLeese who hails from Cobble Beach Golf Links and Resort community just outside of Owen Sound.  


Rob plans to tell us more about this Golf Resort Community and the Concours d’Elegance which debuted six years ago.  This is a show of elegant and rarely seen automobiles often viewed as art.  Come and hear how a world class show of this magnitude comes together right in our backyard. 


As is our custom we welcome all Men’s Club Members and potential Men’s Club Members to attend so bring along a friend or family member.


* if you have not paid your 2019 dues, please bring along the $10 so you will be in good standing

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