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May - June Reports

Bruce Power Trip Report


The Sauble & Area Men's Club has organized many trips throughout the years and none has been a disappointment.  The trip to Bruce Power is no exception as everyone who participated felt it was a wonderful experience and our thanks go to Rick Schott for his impeccable organizational skills.  Well done Rick!


The day started when we gathered at the Sauble Beach United Church where we signed the now mandatory "waiver" form.  44 men then climbed aboard the bus for the 45 minute trip to the site carefully piloted by our member-driver Terry Hutchison.  Thanks, Terry, for your willingness to help and get us safely to our destination.


Once we arrived at the visitor's centre we were ushered into the theatre area where we were given a very informative presentation by a knowledgeable member of the staff.  There we learned about how Bruce Power operates and much more.  For example, we were informed that...


  • $13 billion has been allocated to overhaul 6 units at the Bruce.  This project is to begin 2020

  • 23,000 jobs will be created to support this work

  • 6.3 billion in annual local economic development will be the result

  • 30% of Ontario power from the Bruce site produced at 30% less than the average residential rate

  • annually Bruce Power donates $25,000 to Grade 8 students as commencement awards as well as post secondary scholarships.  Bruce Power also supports indigenous programs.


Following this presentation we boarded a Bruce Power bus which toured the site with our host explaining what and where things were happening.  Returning to the welcome centre we once again boarded our own bus for a short trip to the Walker House in Southampton where we enjoyed our pre-selected lunch.  Excellent food was served and wonderful fellowship was enjoyed.  Boarding the bus once again we returned to Sauble Beach by 2 p.m.  It proved to be a great day of learning about one, if not our most important industry, in Grey-Bruce.


Many of our members were so intrigued by what they witnessed that they indicated a desire to return to Bruce Power with their family and friends.  You may have an interest in doing so as well.  Daily tours are run throughout July and August at various times.  It is best to call before you arrive and adults must have id (driver's licence will do).  Children are welcome and id is not required for them.   For more information click on Visit Bruce Power.



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Garage & Barbecue Report

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The Men’s Club served up delicious hamburgers, jumbo dogs and our famous peameal bacon on a bun at the Sauble UCW Garage, Plant and Bake Sale this past May long weekend. People heading into the sale could smell the fried onions and were lining up to enjoy one of our tasty menu items.  We started on Friday, May 17th at 4 p.m. till 6 p,m, and were at it again bright and early Saturday morning just after the 8 o’clock opening.  The peameal on a bun was a Saturday morning favourite and the UCW workers were very happy that our food tent was on site.  They had their best sale ever and the funds they raise help to support the work of the Church Women and the wider community.  The weather really cooperated with a nice Friday and a sun and cloud mix on Saturday.  It was a bit cool but that is ideal weather for the garage sale fanatic.  This event netted our Club over $600 which will go towards community projects that our Club undertakes such as the MRI Project that is our fundraiser for 2019 as well as various other charities.  A big "thank you" goes out to all the guys who came out to take a shift.  It was a lot of fun for all.  Our gratitude is also expressed to Lloyd Sheridan who organized this very successful event.  Well done, Lloyd!

Sauble Parkway Cleanup Report


The Sauble and Area Men’s club has once again helped to make our area more attractive to visitors by cleaning up the Sauble Falls Parkway from Main Street to Sauble Falls.  16 members of the club along with a hoard of black flies collected 27 bags of trash along with other debris which has now been delivered to the dump.

Thanks to all who came out to help and a Special THANK YOU to Paul and Ellen Farrow of the Sauble Golf Course for the coffee and muffins following the clean-up.  Rick Schott, who organized the event, needs to be thanked as well.  He also says that he hopes that he will see everyone again next year.

Boat Tour Outing

We have been playing tag with Mother nature with a nice day followed by a rainy day like last Saturday.  The weather outlook for Monday looked good on the weekend and plans were firmed up on Saturday to go ahead with the boat tour and the lunch.   

Our group of 37 arrived at the Oliphant Government Dock right on time and we made our way to the docks and loaded on to four boats – the Islanders.  Once all were aboard we received our final instructions from each of our four boat operators who were friendly, informative about the history of the area and the fishing islands in this relatively unknown part of the Bruce Peninsula and excellent navigators.   After a 90 minute tour we disembarked and headed to the Evergreen Resort for a delicious lunch. We were very surprised by how busy this resort is and the number of families visiting to spend vacation time right on the shores of Lake Huron in a setting one would have thought had passed into history – it was really refreshing to see.   

The whole day was a great experience and the calm waters and beautiful sunshine certainly did make it special.  It is a tour that one should recommend to anyone coming  to or living in this area. 

Special thanks go to Alf Roth for setting up and organizing this outing for our men, guests and wives.   We have had many excellent tours in the past and this has to be one of the top three.  Lloyd Sheridan, who took over for Alf Roth when Alf and Cathy, because of health issues, were unable to make the trip says "I don’t know how we will be able to top it."   Thanks, Lloyd, for your help and last minute organizational skills.


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