August Events
Barbecue Fundraiser
Date: Thursday, August 8th
Time: 9:30 a.m. (setup) Serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Place: Sauble Beach Community Centre
Contact: Don Riddell 519-422-1060
We will once again be holding a barbecue fundraiser at the Craft Show at the Sauble Beach Community Centre. We need twelve volunteers to help. Six volunteers are needed from 10 a.m. to noon and includes setting up. Six more volunteers are needed from noon to closing and will include taking down equipment. Contact Don by July 28th and let him know where you can assist. Don will fill you in on any further details. The Craft Show benefits the Grey-Bruce Animal Shelter and is organized by Don and Laurel Cassolato.

Hazardous Waste Collection

Date: Saturday, August 17th
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. (please arrive at 7:30 a.m. for a brief training session)
Place: 413 Municipal Road, Sauble Beach
Contact: Alf Roth 519-422-3160
The Bruce County Transportation and Environmental Services Department will be holding a municipal hazardous and special waste collection event in Sauble Beach at the Amabel Works Yard.
This is another community project supported by the Sauble & Area Men’s Club members.
Used batteries piling up? Tripping over old cans of paint? Here’s your chance to get more space in your garage and dispose of your household hazardous and special waste materials in an environmentally friendly manner.
Area residents are encouraged to bring old batteries, paint, fluorescent tubes, used oil, propane tanks, household cleaners, pesticides, etc. for recycling.
We are once again looking for volunteers (6) to assist with directing traffic and the collection process to move items from vehicles to the appropriate bins for sorting. We are provided with the personal protective equipment required for the work (i.e. gloves, vests and eye protection) as well as refreshments. Volunteers are required to have CSA approved steel toe boots and attend an orientation and health and safety session 20 minutes before the start of the event.
Please call or email Alf Roth to volunteer your help.
Bocce Ball Tournament

Date: Wednesday, August 29th
Time: 2:30 p.m. to register and socialize - play begins at 3 p.m.
Place: Bannister Park, Sauble Beach (by children's play area)
Cost: $10 Children under 10: $3
Contact: Lloyd Sheridan 519-422-1996
This annual tournament is once again being held at Bannister Park with play starting promptly at 3 p.m. The format will be a round robin double knockout with the first team to score 11 points winning that match and moving on while those teams not winning move on to B flight. The tournament will be followed by a barbecue (burgers, country baked beans, watermelon, cold drinks, etc) which starts at approximately 5 p.m. This will be followed by the presentation of prizes and the coveted Bocce trophy so plan to join us for a great time!
Please note:
* this is a family event so bring along any family who may be visiting. There is a very nice play centre at Bannister Park to keep the young ones amused while bocce is being played. Be sure to bring a lawn chair, hat, sunscreen and wear comfortable shoes
* you don’t have to be in the tournament to come out. Spectators are welcome to join us and cheer on your favorite team and enjoy the meal
* we will be sending out a “reply “ email at the end of July to get a count as to how many are coming so we can be prepared with the food – watch for it in your “in box“
* we also need you to bring your set of bocce balls – 10 sets is good for this tournament but extras always welcome
P.S. we are looking for a Coordinator for this event as new blood for our events is important to their longevity – please talk to Lloyd Sheridan, our present coordinator, and we will get you all set up. Its easy so give it a try