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April Events Report


Pancake Breakfast


On Saturday April 20th several of our Men’s Club members came out early to prepare for our annual pancake and sausage breakfast.  At 7 a.m. the sausages went into the oven, coffee and tea were turned on and pancake batter was mixed, along with the many other tasks needed to run this fun event.

Doors opened at 8 a.m. and by 9 a.m. things were in full swing with folks lining up for pancakes and syrup.  By closing we had served 126 adults and 24 children.  The Club netted $450.91

A big thanks goes out to all the club members who helped out on this event and to support the community.  A huge thanks to John Twining who was again coordinated this annual event.

Next year Easter is earlier so our pancake breakfast will be on Saturday, April 11th, 2020 so mark your calendar now.

April Dinner Meeting


The April 23rd dinner meeting for the Sauble & Area Men's Club was attended by over 100 members, our best turnout to date.  During the evening we welcomed five new members to our club.


Despite last minute agenda changes the meeting ran smoothly.  Amy McKinnon and Anne Robertson, representatives from the Owen Sound hospital, gave an informative presentation on fundraising for the purchase of a new MRI machine for the hospital.  The result was on site donations of over $6,000 exceeding our goal in one night!  Well done.  You are reminded that we are continuing to take donations until our October 15th dinner meeting.  To donate please contact Ken Frook at 519-422-3300 or email him at  The more money we raise above our goal the better.


After the presentation we were treated to a delicious roast beef dinner prepared by members of the Hepworth/Shallow Lake Legion.   This was followed by our feature presentation from Robert Mcleese, founder and president of Access Capital Corp.  He spoke on the history of the Cobble Beach development and specifically about the Concours d'Elegance, now in its 7th year.  The pictures of these beautiful cars awed most of the audience.  He thanked our group for the volunteers we supply to run this event which requires over 350 volunteers  If you are interested  in helping out for this event contact Don Riddell at 519-422-1060 or email him at  You can volunteer for one or both days and will need to attend a training day which is held about two weeks prior to the event.  The date of this year's event is September 14th and 15th.  An email will be sent to all members in July so be prepared to volunteer when it arrives.  


Following this presentation we progressed into our business portion of the evening, highlighting the upcoming events.  Our website includes a complete inventory of dates, contact people, and agendas for all these events.  We recommend that you bookmark the website and visit it often.  Click the calendar of events at the top of this  page to view the calendar.  To view the whole year's activities on one page click here.  Thanks go out to all our directors who run these events.

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